- Sat, 12:56: RT @patmcfaddenmp: Attached is our APPG report out today on Sickle Cell and health care. A story of frustration, lack of understanding, in…
- Sat, 15:34: Latest instalment of @OctothorpeCast. I am invoked at 13:15 and briefly audible at 35:20. https://t.co/uP7RL7q6tu https://t.co/PPxxgVEm19
- Sat, 16:44: Chicago (2002) https://t.co/pj1Hylmbyk
- Sat, 20:12: Not a lot better today in fact, and I’ve been out of bed less than yesterday. I am coughing a bit more but I’ll https://t.co/9wq2VFvIMO
- Sat, 20:13: COVID, day 10 and 620 days of plague https://t.co/adULJEpyj8 #covid19
- Sat, 20:48: Watch how still it keeps its head! https://t.co/vmpqqiNxtr
- Sat, 21:31: RT @simongerman600: This animated map allows us to relive the COVID pandemic in Europe in less that a minute (20 Jan 2020 to 20 Nov 2021).…
- Sun, 04:22: “Mr. Widgett was a journalist and art critic, addicted to a greenish-gray tweed suit and “art” brown ties; he smoked corncob pipes in the Avenue on Sunday morning, travelled third class to London by unusual trains, and openly despised golf.”
- Sun, 04:39: “But is that really so?” said Ann Veronica. “It has been proved,” said Miss Miniver, and added, “by American professors.” “But how did they prove it?” “By science,” said Miss Miniver, and hurried on.
My tweets
The Spouses of American Presidents and Vice-Presidents
This is a survey of the 90 women and one man who have been married at any time to those who were elected or otherwise became President or…
Neilia Hunter Biden
I've been updating my presidential stats page to reflect recent developments and also to include some data on the wives of presidents and…
Deep Throat: Stratfor considers
I've occasionally posted bits from Stratfor, a group of Texas-based foreign policy analysts, whose general bias is to look at world affairs in terms…
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