Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Whoniversaries 7 June

i) births and deaths

7 June 2010: death of Eric Mason, who played Senior Prison Officer Green in The Mind of Evil (Third Doctor, 1971) and Chief Petty Officer Smedley in The Sea Devils (Third Doctor, 1972).
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ii) broadcast anniversaries

7 June 1969: broadcast of eighth episode of The War Games. The War Chief offers a deal to the Doctor, who allows the War Lords to capture the rebels.

7 June 2008: broadcast of Forest of the Dead. The Doctor defeats the Vashta Nerada, but at the cost of the lives of River Song and her team, who however are preserved within the Library.

7 June 2010: broadcast of Mind Snap, twenty-second episode of the Australian K9 series. Just as K9 thinks he can recover his long-term memory, an accident makes him forget everything that has ever happened!

iii) date specified in canon

7 June 1941: setting of twentieth-century parts of Lost in Time (SJA, 2010).
Tags: doctor who, doctor who: anniversaries

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