Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

My tweets

  • Sat, 12:56: RT @Bedo76: People say “you’re autistic? Does that mean you take everything literally?” And I’m like “nah, that’s kleptomaniacs”
  • Sat, 14:48: RT @hayward_katy: UKG "figures show that [UK-AUS] deal wd, at best, only increase exports to Australia by some 7% & add 0.01% to GDP (about…
  • Sat, 15:04: Just won a Religious Victory on the Large Continents map of Civ 6. Pulling in more than 500 religion points per turn by the end.
  • Sat, 16:05: RT @smdiehl: Let's talk about why cryptocurrency is the single factor that created the ransomware plague that is ravaging our healthcare sy…
  • Sat, 16:15: September 2011 books
  • Sat, 19:41: Gosh. I don’t much like either story, but at least The Time Monster’s heart is in the right place, unlike Kerblam! The Time Monster also has a gratuitous reference to Belgium.
  • Sat, 20:48: RT @stephenbuggy: Before she was banned, Naomi Wolf gave us the funniest tweet on Northern Ireland's history:
  • Sun, 06:18: The appliance of science. “Held in the air like the Earth, by the Sun’s attraction.”
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The DAMON KNIGHT MEMORIAL GRAND MASTER AWARD goes to Nalo Hopkinson. Tobias S. Buckell presents her with the honor. Congrats, Nal…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The KEVIN J. O’DONNELL, JR. SERVICE TO SFWA AWARD goes to Connie Willis. Jim Kelly presents her with the honor. Congrats, Connie!…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The Nebula for BEST SHORT STORY goes to “Open House on Haunted Hill” by John Wiswell. The story was published by Diabolical Plots…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The KATE WILHELM SOLSTICE AWARDS go to Jarvis Sheffield, and posthumously, to Ben Bova and Rachel Caine. John Jennings, Les Johns…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The RAY BRADBURY NEBULA AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING DRAMATIC PRESENTATION goes to The Good Place, Ep. “Whenever You’re Ready” by Michae…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The ANDRE NORTON NEBULA AWARD FOR MIDDLE GRADE AND YOUNG ADULT FICTION goes to A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfi…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The Nebula for BEST NOVELETTE goes to “Two Truths and a Lie” by Sarah Pinsker. The novelette was published by
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The Nebula for BEST NOVELLA goes to Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark. Ring Shout was published by Tordotcom. Congrats, Phenderson! @p
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The Nebula for BEST GAME WRITING goes to Hades, written by Greg Kasavin. Hades was developed by Supergiant. Congratulations, Greg…
  • Sun, 06:38: RT @sfwa: The Nebula Award for BEST NOVEL goes to Network Effect by Martha Wells. Network Effect was published by Tordotcom. Congratulation…
  • Sun, 09:30: Whoniversaries 6 June
  • Sun, 10:45: Bridget Jones reaches fever pitch The interview with Colin Firth. Classic.
Tags: twitter

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