Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Clan gathering in Oud-Heverlee

I discovered recently that I had a third cousin living on the other side of Brussels, who I had never met but whose grandmother was a Whyte; and then even more recently that I had a fourth cousin twice removed living in Brussels, who I had never met, whose mother was a Whyte. I eventually made contact with both, who had of course never heard of each other either. And this afternoon we had a gathering of the clan at our place.

First, the actual Whytes by birth and Whyte descendants:

Left to right:
1) M, my third cousin on the far side of Brussels;
2) me;
3) F, my son;
4) C, my fourth cousin twice removed who lives in Brussels;
5) F2, C's son, my fourth cousin three times removed;
6) K, C's brother who happens to be in Belgium at the moment.

Common ancestors of this group:

(3xgreat grandparents of me and M, 4xgreat grandparents of F,
5x great grandparents of C and K, 6x great grandparents of F2)
Can you see the resemblance?

And then a group selfie with everyone squeezing in:

Left to right:
1) F3, M's wife;
2) M, my third cousin;
3) in front C, my fourth cousin twice removed;
4) behind branch Anne, my wife;
5) F, my son;
6) in front K, C's brother who is also my fourth cousin twice removed;
7) F2, C's son, my fourth cousin three times removed;
8) E, C's husband;
9) me.

The weather was good enough for a walk in the woods and tea in our garden. An afternoon well spent.
Tags: genealogy

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