- Fri, 12:56: RT @Reading_Tegan: Bell https://t.co/rzXJh2eLu7
- Fri, 16:05: Georgia's Hypermodern Parliament Building Faces Uncertain Future https://t.co/4yi3UBtf4x A massive white elephant.
- Fri, 18:40: Friday reading https://t.co/2a1FqVDGeq
- Fri, 19:59: Well, I’ve been Pfizered! Second dose in five weeks’ time. https://t.co/gEyvymxmpk
- Sat, 09:30: Whoniversaries 22 May https://t.co/n4YhDuGrVZ
- Sat, 10:07: 430 days of plague: first dose https://t.co/4YGuqJ6jzS
- Sat, 10:45: RT @jonworth: "Brexit. That’s pretty much it from me." A blog post on why you're going to get a lot less Brexit / UK-EU politics diagnosis…
- Sat, 11:53: RT @georgiaEtennant: #conversationswithafiveyearold https://t.co/EBl8gE63Lq
My tweets
What line of longitude passes through most countries?
Over on Facebook, Pete has an interesting question: From which town/city of more than 50,000 inhabitants, would you pass through the most number of…
Interesting Links for 12-04-2016
How hot-desking offices can wreck productivity Obvious, really. (tags: work ) This Will Be the Biggest Dam-Removal Project in History…
My tweets
Thu, 18:40: Doctor Who and the Silurians and Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters, by Malcolm Hulke, and The Silurians, by Robert�Smith?…
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