- Sun, 12:11: Number of cases, yes, but there is a lot more testing now. On 4 March 2020 reported daily figures were 1661 new cases, 140 deaths, 5678 in hospital and 1245 in ICU. https://t.co/lVGt6yxoyC
- Sun, 12:35: Utterly delighted to be the Fan Guest of Honour at next year’s Eastercon, @reclamation2022, along with @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette and @philipreeve1 !!!!! Look forward to seeing you all there.
- Sun, 12:38: RT @dduane: Yay Nick!! 😀 https://t.co/ta8Vd6Ii2C
- Sun, 12:38: RT @njj4: Really looking forward to @reclamation2022, now officially voted in as next year's Eastercon. An experienced committee and a real…
- Sun, 12:38: RT @CSharpWords: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Congratulations! A fantastic line-up.
- Sun, 12:42: RT @osd1000: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Congratulations!
- Sun, 12:42: RT @anne_l_fortune: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 So pleased for you - hope I can be there!
- Sun, 12:45: RT @ceemage: Many congratulations to @nwbrux, an entirely-worthy Fan Guest of Honour for Reclaimation, the 2022 #Eastercon. https://t.co/X1…
- Sun, 12:45: RT @reclamation2022: The guests of honour for Reclamation2022 are Mary Robinette Kowal, Zen Cho, Philip Reeve and Nicholas Whyte. We think…
- Sun, 12:45: Reclamation: on being a guest of honour https://t.co/m1S8ER6Ymu
- Sun, 12:46: RT @njj4: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Brilliant! Very well-deserved, and I'm really looking forward…
- Sun, 12:53: RT @piersb: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Wooooo!
- Sun, 12:54: RT @virginia875: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 If I could love this a hundred times I would!
- Sun, 12:56: RT @JulieSLalonde: I'm 35. Until my 20s, EVERYONE I knew smoked. You could smoke wherever. There were smoking sections in restaurants & h…
- Sun, 13:01: RT @Iain_Coleman: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Congratulations! A well deserved honour.
- Sun, 13:01: RT @thefajster: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Oooooooooooooh!
- Sun, 13:26: RT @Fred_SL: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 I am utterly delighted with the GoH announcement! Looking f…
- Sun, 13:26: RT @aliettedb: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 eee congrats!
- Sun, 13:26: RT @djm4: @nwbrux @reclamation2022 @zenaldehyde @MaryRobinette @philipreeve1 Very much looking forward to it - have registered.
- Sun, 13:55: RT @zenaldehyde: @nwbrux Was so pleased to hear you were Fan GoH! Look forward to seeing you :D
- Sun, 13:55: RT @clanwilliam: @reclamation2022 @MaryRobinette @zenaldehyde @philipreeve1 @nwbrux It is. Supporting membership bought, will upgrade next…
- Sun, 13:55: RT @po8crg: This is very thoroughly deserved. Look forward to going there, wherever it may happen to be. https://t.co/bfjgCxHteg
- Sun, 13:57: RT @zenaldehyde: @nwbrux Haha yes! An Eastercon first
- Sun, 14:48: RT @MatteoTiratelli: Just found out that I am cited in a *highly misleading* way in the #SewellReport. It uses my research to try to argue…
- Sun, 15:11: RT @white_hart: So hoping that it will be possible to attend this in person! (And huge congratulations to @nwbrux!) https://t.co/GOasiSzLYf
- Sun, 16:05: RT @jasonomahony: It’s amazing how angry some people get when you suggest that a United Ireland will be paid for by the people of a United…
- Sun, 16:09: RT @zenaldehyde: Delighted to be a GoH at next year's Eastercon with such a lovely line-up! I'm really looking forward to this one. https:/…
- Sun, 16:49: Hugely enjoyable! https://t.co/Z5fHNpU0Mg
- Sun, 18:10: RT @effjayem: Congrats to the 2022 Eastercon Team. Reclamation https://t.co/DQ7FkAqOZs Guests: @zenaldehyde @philipreeve1 @nwbrux @MaryRobi…
- Sun, 18:14: Congratulations to @silkyida for wining the @BSFA Award for Short Fiction! You got my vote. https://t.co/vCk8o8rmVq
- Sun, 18:18: Congratulations to @iainjclark on winning the @BSFA Award for Best Art! https://t.co/SRaYj0RYwn
- Sun, 19:29: This is fantastic. I am learning a lot. https://t.co/7Uwi6mR1cy
- Sun, 19:38: Eastercon 2022 Announced https://t.co/TCQoyHF2ED via @File770
- Sun, 20:04: RT @philipreeve1: I’m delighted to be joining this star-studded line up as one of the guests of honour at next year’s Eastercon, @reclamati…
- Sun, 20:42: RT @lucyjbriers: It’s 46 years ago today since the first episode of The Good Life was broadcast. Probably around this time of the evening.…
- Sun, 20:48: Yep. https://t.co/rPcl7zvdTM
- Mon, 00:44: RT @BSFA: And here's the complete list of today's BSFA Awards winners: https://t.co/eqiDfXfCCB Congratulations to one and all!
- Mon, 09:30: Whoniversaries 5 April https://t.co/46JSya5Gz0
- Mon, 09:31: RT @adamparsons: The idea that President Macron spends all his days thinking about Britain is, I’m afraid, a bit fanciful. Sorry...
- Mon, 10:45: ‘The Dispossessed’ Is Still One of Sci-Fi’s Smartest Books https://t.co/fjvKGvi8N0 Amen
- Mon, 10:57: RT @ceesa_ma: @nwbrux One of a small handful of Anglophone authors writing about revolutions and utopias who actually did their homework, a…
- Mon, 10:57: RT @Georgeberger: @nwbrux Amen, it is a great political novel. I recommend it to Americans who think that their two party system is really…