- Sat, 12:56: RT @RichardGowan1: We salute you @VietNam_UN. https://t.co/TSytI56qlK
- Sat, 14:00: Now, *this* is a difficult choice! https://t.co/jjHucqZRQv
- Sat, 15:16: March Books https://t.co/50r6WFhyXk
- Sat, 19:03: Ah, great times. I'll always remember the candidate who ran on a "Free Para Lee Clegg" ticket forgetting Clegg's name when he made his concession speech, even though it was written on a large cardboard medallion hanging around his neck... https://t.co/zWOkOXqQY7
- Sat, 20:48: RT @DaveKeating: Spot on from @RuadhanIT: "The strong penetration of British media with their complexes & biases...is an issue of concern…
- Sun, 09:30: Whoniversaries 4 April https://t.co/Igrnp9CNRD
- Sun, 09:39: Art for the day by Kamma Svensson (Denmark, 1908-1988): Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome at Jesus' tomb with ointments. Happy Easter! https://t.co/EegVf55pE5
- Sun, 10:45: RT @Megintransition: I love her. She stole my soul and took her to the fae lands. Come to our dear green place in 2024 and dance in late s…
- Sun, 11:09: RT @SorchaEastwood: Conservative Party- "every elected rep with a role to play in NI has had their part in us getting to last night" ?? Ser…
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