Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

My tweets

  • Thu, 12:56: The Antikythera Cosmos Amazing presentation of an amazing ancient Greek planetary computer.
  • Thu, 14:23: One year ago. "Passen Sie gut auf sich, und auf Ihre Liebsten auf." "Look after yourselves, and look after the people you love."
  • Thu, 16:00: 40 hours left to nominate for this year’s Hugo Awards! If you were a CoNZealand member, and you want to nominate, check now to make sure that you are in the system.
  • Thu, 16:05: RT @BSFA: "No artist ever set out to do less than his best and did something good by accident. it doesn't work that way. You head for perfe…
  • Thu, 16:38: For me this was the most difficult poll today. War Machines, viewed in sequence, is an amazing step forward - first case of the Doctor allying with contemporary Earth, before that became normal. I know, I know, Holmes, Sladen, but am voting War Machines. (Am in minority.)
  • Thu, 18:27: August 2010 books
  • Fri, 02:00: 30 hours left to nominate for this year’s Hugo Awards! If you were a CoNZealand member, and you want to nominate, check now to make sure that you are in the system.
  • Fri, 08:59: RT @worldcon2021: 1000 people submitted their nominations 🥳 We've got 23 hours left so if you haven't submitted yours yet - now is the tim…
  • Fri, 09:30: Whoniversaries 19 March
  • Fri, 10:45: RT @LMBD1418: A priest, a pastor and a rabbit walked in to blood donation clinic. The nursed asked the rabbit: "What is your blood type?"…
Tags: twitter

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