Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Whoniversaries 9 February

i) births and deaths

9 February 1918: birth of Morris Barry, who directed The Moonbase (Second Doctor, 1966), Tomb of the Cybermen (also Second Doctor, 1966) and The Dominators (Second Doctor, 1967), and then appeared as Tollund in The Creature from the Pit (Fourth Doctor, 1980).

9 February 1935: birth of Michael Imison, director of the story we now call The Ark (First Doctor, 1966).

9 February 1936: birth of Clive Swift, who played Mr Jobel in Revelation of the Daleks (Sixth Doctor, 1985) and Mr Copper in Voyage of the Damned (Tenth Doctor, 2007).

9 February 1969: birth of Neil Cross, who wrote The Rings of Akhaten (Eleventh Doctor, 2013) and Hide (also Eleventh Doctor, 2013).

ii) broadcast anniversaries

9 February 1974: broadcast of fifth episode of Invasion of the Dinosaurs. Sarah escapes from the mock spaceship but is recaptured by Finch. The Doctor is menaced by a tyrannosaurus (I've been counting and that's three cliff-hangers out of five in this story in which the Doctor is menaced by a tyrannosaurus).

9 February 1982: broadcast of fourth episode of Kinda. Aris is trapped in a circle of reflective panels; the Mara cannot bear its own reflection, and is expelled and defeated, everyone else returning to normal.

9 February 1983: broadcast of fourth episode of Mawdryn Undead. Just as the Doctor is about to sacrifice himself, the two Brigadiers meet, discharging enough energy to deal with Mawdryn and his friends. Turlough leaves with the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan.

9 February 1985: broadcast of second episode of Mark of the Rani. The Doctor and Peri defeat the Rani and the Master and trap them in her Tardis with a growing Tyrannosaurus. (Yes, another one.)

9 February 2020: broadcast of Can You Hear Me? What connects the nightmares of a young girl from 1380 Aleppo to strange happenings in the present day? Who is the shadowy figure who appears in the night? And what have they got to do with a young woman in the far future, trapped in an impossible prison?
Tags: doctor who, doctor who: anniversaries

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