- Mon, 12:07: RT @MonicaLewinsky: i’m generally opposed to someone being surreptitiously taped on a phone call...but not this one, folks!
- Mon, 12:36: In case you want to read this awful conversation, and are paywalled out by other sources. https://t.co/3fWSA24TJU
- Mon, 12:56: #DoctorWho Jodie Whittaker rumoured to leave after next series https://t.co/F1OMIvgnTg Would not be surprising. She’ll have done three seasons (even if one truncated) plus specials which is standard (Hartnell, Troughton, Davison, McCoy, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi).
- Mon, 13:29: RT @gerrylynch: @nwbrux @ColmDore @timoconnorbl @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar NI is full of SF posters saying it's t…
- Mon, 13:40: RT @timoconnorbl: @gerrylynch @nwbrux @ColmDore @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar Ya know, funny thing, but the "think a…
- Mon, 13:55: RT @timoconnorbl: @EarlofLeuven @gerrylynch @nwbrux @ColmDore @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar I'm not noticeably bothe…
- Mon, 14:08: RT @timoconnorbl: @EarlofLeuven @gerrylynch @nwbrux @ColmDore @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar I’d suggest framing it i…
- Mon, 14:17: #takingbackcontrol #nothingbutaconsiderableupside https://t.co/zZqbPEbfYN
- Mon, 14:21: RT @gerrylynch: @nwbrux @ohidontknownow @ColmDore @timoconnorbl @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar I don't think there's…
- Mon, 14:28: RT @peterjbirks: @nwbrux See also the new daily Rosslare to Dunkirk RoRo service (story on Reuters, I think). Although figures were probabl…
- Mon, 15:35: *Gulp* https://t.co/xvfcuOLyo1
- Mon, 16:05: In 18 years of bookblogging I have only once written a review on 4 January. Here it is: The Art of War by Sun Tzu. https://t.co/VJtI972ngz https://t.co/eixSFfN6Ww https://t.co/t8ACqF8Yl2
- Mon, 17:11: RT @reparrishcomics: tolkien vs. lewis: allegories https://t.co/bO7YJTw6fA
- Mon, 18:32: August 2009 books https://t.co/MxJ2KPqTtQ
- Mon, 20:36: RT @WelshGovernment: “national” = “England”
- Mon, 20:48: RT @CoppetainPU: JANUARY 4, 2021 The first day back at work at the WTO. What’s happened to the UK’s commitments (“schedules”) on goods (t…
- Mon, 23:24: RT @bjhbfs: @timoconnorbl @gerrylynch @nwbrux @ColmDore @oconnellhugh @KeohaneDan @simoncoveney @LeoVaradkar I wrote about this phenomenon…
- Tue, 09:30: Whoniversaries 5 January https://t.co/Mk1A7BKBqu
- Tue, 10:45: RT @joshgerstein: JUST IN: Another brutal opinion dismissing suit seeking to overturn 2020 election results. Argument 'lies somewhere betwe…
- Tue, 10:45: BREAKING: Looks like Northern Ireland loses a seat in Boundary Commission shakeup. Statistics published today show only enough voters for 17.37 constituencies, compared with the current 18. https://t.co/Y6iPjjlwBK
- Tue, 10:54: CORRECTION: Looks like NI keeps 18 seats. I should have used Parliamentary voters not local govt. Scraping in at 17.6 quotas. https://t.co/irJItuOFky https://t.co/1wW0Kyxrxb
- Tue, 11:08: RT @EarlofLeuven: @nwbrux It's already confirmed by Welsh electoral authority anyway. https://t.co/dtmxsDuhW3
- Tue, 11:08: RT @DafyddTrystan: @nwbrux You've also flipped Wales and Scotland population in your latest table ... 55 seats might be a bit much for main…