Then Xan said: ‘I’m next door. We have our own bathroom, it’s at the end of the corridor.’One of three sf novels I have found set in the year 2021. The other two are Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, at least later editions, and the first half of Macro Life, by George Zebrowski. (NB that the film Children of Men, based on the book, is set in 2027.)
This was published in 1992; the story is that in 1995, humanity simply stopped reproducing and no new children have been born since then. The narrator is a cousin of and former adviser to Xan Lyppiatt, the dictator of the UK, and is drawn into the resistance to his rule. The graying, disintegrating society is very well depicted, and then all is further disrupted when it turns out that human fertility is not completely finished. Vivid scenes of flight across England to an uncertain destination. You can get it here.