18 November 1932: birth of Trevor Baxter, who played Professor Litefoot in The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Fourth Doctor, 1977) and reprised the role for Big Finish
18 November 1934: birth of Mitzi McKenzie, who played Mrs Martin in Colony in Space (Third Doctor, 1971) and Nancy in The Green Death (Third Doctor, 1973).
18 November 1948: birth of Paul Jerricho who played the Castellan in both Arc of Infinity (Fifth Doctor, 1983) and The Five Doctors (Fifth Doctor era, also 1983).
18 November 1953: birth of Alan Moore, acclaimed comics writer whose early work included five stories published in Doctor Who Weekly (as it then was) in 1980.
18 November 1961: birth of Steven Moffat, head writer and executive producer on Doctor Who for the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor eras, also for Class; writer of episodes starting with The Curse of Fatal Death (1999) and the Hugo-winning The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Ninth Doctor, 2005), The Girl in the Fireplace (Tenth Doctor, 2006), Blink (Tenth Doctor, 2007) and The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (Eleventh Doctor, 2010). He has the distinction of writing for the most number of Doctors on-screen than any other writer for the show, with a total of (at least) 8.
ii) broadcast anniversaries
18 November 1967: broadcast of second episode of The Ice Warriors. Varga captures Victoria and prepares to unfreeze his comrades.
18 November 1978: broadcast of fourth episode of The Stones of Blood. The Doctor evades the "justice" of the Megara and transforms the Great Seal of Diplos into the third segment of the Key to Time.
18 November 2005: broadcast of the first New Who Children in Need Special. The new Doctor tries to reassure Rose of his identity.
18 November 2011: broadcast of another Children in Need special minisode. All the Eleventh Doctor’s clothes come off!
18 November 2013: Yet another Children in Need special previews the 50th anniversary.
18 November 2018: broadcast of Kerblam! The Doctor and friends intervene to save capitalism, or something like that.