Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Whoniversaries 14 October: Katy Manning, Abominable Snowmen #3, Pirate Planet #3, Ghost Monument

i) births and deaths

14 October 1919: birth of Shaun Sutton, BBC executive who had a key role in casting Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

14 October 1949: birth of Katy Manning, who played Jo Grant from 1971 to 1973, does both Jo and Iris Wildthyme for Big Finish, was also in SJA as Jo.

ii) broadcast and production anniversaries

14 October 1963: rehearsals began for the first episode of Doctor Who actually shown on TV (as opposed to the unshown pilot episode).

14 October 1967: broadcast of third episode of The Abominable Snowmen. Khrisong decides to trust the Doctor, but the dormant Yeti is animated by the mising sphere...

14 October 1978: broadcast of third episode of The Pirate Planet. The Doctor hears the story of Queen Xanxia and sees the crushed remains of plundered planets, and is thrown off the bridge.

14 October 2018: broadcast of The Ghost Monument. The new TARDIS crew have lost the TARDIS, but get caught up in the final stage of the Rally of the Twelve Galaxies.
Tags: doctor who, doctor who: anniversaries

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