- Fri, 12:22: RT @APCOBXLInsider: In need of some #lockdown TV recommendations? We polled the office for their favourite TV series to binge during lockdo…
- Fri, 12:56: After Four Antibody Tests, I’m Still Not Sure I’ve Had Covid-19 https://t.co/FYDCZbdWOn @StephaniBaker is uncertain.
- Fri, 16:05: Dark Corners: “Menschen am Sonntag (People on Sunday)” (1930) https://t.co/scMLXg8zhg A glimpse of Berlin in the Weimar era.
- Fri, 17:11: RT @HorribleSanity: This is one of the more startling headlines I’ve seen lately. (Indianapolis Star 1910, via @_newspapers) https://t.co/…
- Fri, 18:13: #LockdowninOudHeverlee 8: VE Day, 75 years on The Commonwealth War Cemetery in Heverlee, and some of the people wh… https://t.co/e5MvgUscQC
- Fri, 20:48: Paul Garner: For 7 weeks I have been through a roller coaster of ill health, extreme emotions, and utter exhaustion… https://t.co/gfE96EgvVI
- Fri, 20:49: RT @sundersays: 2019 and 2010 compared. No seats at all changed hands in Scotland in 2010. https://t.co/O3Np0nEM5f
- Sat, 07:08: RT @wblau: Here is the English translation of the truly remarkable speech Germany's President Steinmeier gave today in Berlin, commemoratin…
- Sat, 09:10: RT @WHO: #OnThisDay 40 years ago, #smallpox was made history. It's the only human disease to be eradicated so far. A lesson we must take…
- Sat, 09:42: Great book. Look forward to the English translation. https://t.co/rMuUxfmwHW
- Sat, 10:45: RT @russelldavies63: 1/12 THE POSITION OF THE FIREPLACE. Long thread. Bear with. But here's the original Series 2 order of episodes, issue…