- Wed, 12:48: RT @BrankoMilan: Why is nobody discussing truly staggering differences in death rates between Eastern and Western Europe? In the @FT graphs…
- Wed, 12:56: Did anyone predict coronavirus? https://t.co/BFBWiOy9Rh And should we listen to them?
- Wed, 14:12: RT @ACNIWriting: Roma Tomelty 1945-2020. “I heard a thrush singing from a sally tree. Do you mind the singing we heard over the dead bishop…
- Wed, 14:47: RT @JulianObubo: Harry and Meghan know where their bread is buttered, and trust me, it ain’t with the readers of the Mail, Mirror, Express…
- Wed, 16:05: A Stellar Mystery: How Could 100 Stars Just Vanish? https://t.co/JwVl7zbh5Z Wow.
- Wed, 17:11: Learning Resources | ZSL London and Whipsnade Zoos https://t.co/K3A5DXK68D The Zoological Society of London produci… https://t.co/XA32qB3wCE
- Wed, 19:24: #LockdowninOudHeverlee 6: Aristocratic and civic power. My latest report from the village, looking at the geograph… https://t.co/tlQR5t1VZH
- Wed, 20:48: Damian Smyth selects the best new books to be locked up with https://t.co/HxzDMu4V7f New Irish books, part 1
- Wed, 22:49: RT @vonderleyen: .@EU_Commission proposes €3 billion in macro-financial assistance for Albania, BiH, Georgia, Jordan, Kosovo, Moldova, Mont…
- Thu, 08:17: Putting it the other way round, today’s EUCO is unlikely to prove the car crash some want, or to provide the firm d… https://t.co/wTpHUaxI6K
- Thu, 09:12: ‘Irresponsibly’ leaked paper on Belgian lockdown phase-out sparks criticism https://t.co/BL5U4hyrEb I must say I am… https://t.co/LV1eTCVuUl
- Thu, 10:45: RT @bluebox99: Remembering William Hartnell (8th January 1908 - 23rd April 1975) https://t.co/EVAuci7JoS
- Thu, 11:30: RT @DomJermey: It’s difficult to be optimistic this #EarthDay; the coronavirus pandemic has understandably drawn governments’ focus from th…