- Mon, 12:37: RT @damonwake: CALAMITOUS news from Brussels. The Irish embassy has binned its St Patrick's Day reception because of bloody coronavirus.
- Mon, 12:50: RT @IFAD: 📢 Job Opportunity! #IFAD is looking for a Vice President Duty station: Rome, Italy Deadline: 26 March 2020 Full details and how…
- Mon, 16:05: Inside China’s All-Out War on the Coronavirus https://t.co/DT8Ng50uVm Absolutely fascinating.
- Mon, 17:27: RT @DmitryOpines: I hope all the people who assured me Britain was far too Blitz Spirit Dunkirk Agencourt to worry about supply chain impac…
- Mon, 18:17: 20/20 Vision, edited by Jerry Pournelle https://t.co/ZXOhuzNJul
- Mon, 18:37: RT @MollyMcKew: Ok, send the asteroid now.
- Mon, 20:48: RT @silviast9: 1/ I may be repeating myself, but I want to fight this sense of security that I see outside of the epicenters, as if nothing…
- Mon, 21:09: RT @220_d_92_20: Actually Andrew Newton shot Rinka in Somerset, not Devon #onlyconnect
- Mon, 22:19: Italy orders total lockdown over coronavirus https://t.co/uVe0tWkgZo
- Tue, 04:00: 100 hours left to nominate for the 2020 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards, and the 1945 Retro Hugos! Time to ge… https://t.co/rbDWoNttbd
- Tue, 08:00: RT @smirnoff_sprite: @astroehlein Take a wild guess... https://t.co/vLWoqOc2I2
- Tue, 10:45: RT @mugrimm: Post 9/11 thread for people to post the wildest shit they remember from 01 to 06 I'll start: People thought Osama had an ent…