- Wed, 12:56: A Vaccine Won’t Stop the New Coronavirus https://t.co/1rUQr9eZPN Most of us will probably get it. But most of us will probably be OK.
- Wed, 16:01: 400 hours left to nominate for the 2020 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards, and the 1945 Retro Hugos! Time to ge… https://t.co/TwGrHy3jNo
- Wed, 16:05: How not to say the wrong thing https://t.co/jTffZkPPtD Wise words.
- Wed, 17:11: What did it mean to be an Irish teenage girl in the early 1990s? https://t.co/4QHwfUS3dB Lovely piece.
- Wed, 18:17: Wednesday reading https://t.co/d129u4hEW8
- Wed, 20:32: RT @SimonFRCox: “what he calls unkind is being told he’s wrong” Lawrence Fox, explained
- Wed, 20:48: RT @DmitryOpines: 1/ Thread to get me yelled at by pretty much everyone: The UK negotiating position and posture in the EU FTA actually ma…
- Wed, 21:22: RT @DavidHenigUK: If you are going to carry out negotiations by twitter it would be helpful to be accurate and neither of these tweets are.…
- Wed, 21:33: What book am I reading? “the Cimmerians, a small, dark, excitable people, famous for their singing and valiant in… https://t.co/9W8BmPAj2x
- Thu, 10:17: Best tweet of a good thread. https://t.co/2qOS32n404
- Thu, 10:45: A must-read thread. https://t.co/RBtfM9OKIv