The Doctor felt tired, as if he'd been waiting here a lifetime.I loved this. It's a collection of Doctor Who short stories, edited by Steve Cole with contributions from Joy Wilkinson, Simon Guerrier, the much-missed Terrance Dicks, Matthew Sweet, Susie Day, Matthew "Adric" Waterhouse, Colin "Sixth Doctor" Baker, Mike Tucker, Cole himself, George Mann, Una McCormack, Jacqueline Rayner, Beverly Sanford and Vinay Patel. It's a bit invidious to single out individual stories, but I will anyway: Terrance Dicks last controibution to the Whoniverse expands the concept of Series 6B, with the Second Doctor on mission for the Time Lords; Susie Day looks at the Fourth Doctor and Romana punting; Una McCormack looks at the back story of Clive from the TV episode Rose; Jenny Colgan looks at the alternative Tenth Doctor who ends up with Rose; even George Mann is on decent form. The whole thing comes with a beautiful wraparound cover featuring all the Doctors (and Adric). Excellent stuff, and you can get it here.
There was a bit of a kerfuffle about this book before it came out. One particular veteran Who writer had been invited to contribute, but his story was not published because at least one of the other contributors objected to his views on trans rights, and threatened to withdraw her own story if his was included. More power to her; in her place I would also have objected to this particular writer's views on Islam. And good for the publisher for making the right choice when confronted with a dilemma of principles.