- Fri, 12:56: Floella Benjamin: 'They sent the police to arrest us' https://t.co/cKYg9XY2Df Brilliant interview with the great @floellabenjamin.
- Fri, 14:55: Interesting that Blair won in 2005 despite being 15 points less popular than Michael Howard. https://t.co/BmKZ2qYpZS
- Fri, 15:37: RT @MSmithsonPB: @nwbrux That's because the chart shows net ratings. Blair had higher positive numbers than Howard
- Fri, 16:05: What rich countries get wrong about the EU budget https://t.co/x8qM5fjt5n Good piece from Romanian MEP @clotilde_armand.
- Fri, 16:08: Grim reading from @pmdfoster on the impact of Boris's deal on Northern Ireland. Still not as bad as a No Deal Brexi… https://t.co/OZibCCypBY
- Fri, 17:11: Social media networks fail to root out fake accounts: report https://t.co/iNiVIDCsAE Worrying research from NATO.
- Fri, 18:03: March 2004 books https://t.co/0WUG2B6hdC
- Fri, 18:06: RT @theirishworld: Top British diplomat to US Alexandra Hall Hall quits and lashes out at UK politicians’ dishonesty over Brexit - CNN http…
- Fri, 18:55: RT @MichaelAodhan: 1 It's not Corbyn's document, it's a HM Treasury document, you know, part of the Govt 2 It's not complete nonsense in fa…
- Fri, 20:01: RT @MichaelAodhan: For all you saddos like me who sit up watching/listening to the election results, here is the timings of the results in…
- Fri, 20:02: RT @Richard_Primus: And now, a thread about smart women and misogyny. Whether or not you’re a woman on Twitter, you might know that… (1…
- Fri, 20:48: RT @xtophercook: The whole free ports idea is, incidentally, worth the Treasury spending a lot of capital to kill. They’re both an intensel…
- Fri, 21:47: RT @6Howff: It’s Anglo-Irish treaty day, which means it your annual reminder that the Treaty did not create or finalise partition. Partitio…
- Fri, 21:50: Me: He nearly said “nude nurses.” Wife: You can’t make this enjoyable, stop trying.
- Fri, 22:04: Late one evening in 2007, I was watching the Sarkozy/Royal debate. My son, aged 7, came downstairs and asked what I… https://t.co/wAN4q8HoMP
- Fri, 22:05: RT @alexwilcock: OTD 1989: Doctor Who Survived “Somewhere there’s danger. Somewhere there’s injustice. And somewhere else, the tea is getti…
- Sat, 10:45: Final Justice (Trailer, 1985) https://t.co/s7WXB86yld A somewhat brutal action film, notable for EU watchers becaus… https://t.co/waPn22VvXU