Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

My tweets

  • Mon, 12:56: RT @Quibilah1: Does any rational person really believe the trope that, all over the English-speaking world, lesbians are being forced to ha…
  • Mon, 13:43: RT @AndrewDuffEU: @nwbrux Well, the Spitz thing will be revived once - but not until - we get transnational lists. It's odd how @ManfredWeb
  • Mon, 14:36: RT @AlynSmith: Excellent thread from Nicholas on how the Spitzenkandidat process ain’t doing what it says on the tin and why. Well worth yo…
  • Mon, 15:38: RT @friggieri_david: Interesting thread on that very Germanically-named concept. More broadly, interesting in context of increasingly commo…
  • Mon, 16:05: RT @BadWilf: Keanu Reeves is the age Richard Wilson was, when One foot in the grave started. 54.
  • Mon, 17:11: T� ceithre leabhar is fiche l�ite agam go dt� seo an mh� seo. (Agus inniu � 24 Meitheamh.) Bh� an chuid is m� acu gearr go leor, �fach.
  • Mon, 18:34: Doctor Who: The Secret Lives of Monsters, by Justin Richards
  • Mon, 20:48: RT @davidallengreen: 'The judge said the father regarded registering a birth as the equivalent of making an entry on to a ship’s manifest'…
  • Mon, 21:27: RT @APHClarkson: The Irish state is so focused on securing a backstop for the Irish border because it has lost all trust in the British sta…
  • Tue, 08:14: RT @EdLlewellynFCO: Huge congratulations to Sir @eltonofficial on being award the 🇫🇷Legion d’Honneur by President @EmmanuelMacron for a lif…
  • Tue, 09:02: RT @mcgee_gorgo: I just saw the contrarian tweet about how people were "bummed" out by Batman '89. I am old as hell and here to tell you no…
  • Tue, 09:58: RT @CoppetainPU: ICYMI. We don’t usually argue about what a law means. Somehow this WTO rule has found its way into British political deba…
  • Tue, 10:45: RT @Freight_NI: 🚛🐟 Brexit No Deal Alert 🐟🚛 1/11 - I had a really useful informative meeting with the NI Fisheries Brexit team at @daera_ni
Tags: twitter

  • My tweets

    Thu, 18:40: Doctor Who and the Silurians and Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters, by Malcolm Hulke, and The Silurians, by Robert�Smith?…

  • My tweets

    Wed, 13:32: Andr�e Tainsy, 1911-2004 Wed, 15:32: RT @ Megintransition: Thinking about attending glasgow 2024*…

  • My tweets

    Tue, 18:14: Erasing Sherlock, by Kelly�Hale Wed, 10:45: First up-close images of Mars’s little-known moon Deimos…

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