- Sun, 12:56: The closing of the conservative mind https://t.co/M9n4IEgC2S Great piece.
- Sun, 12:56: The collapse of effectiveness of the FCO, brought about by central government starving it of resources and ignoring… https://t.co/io7zp7VD1E
- Sun, 14:08: RT @Llyfrgell_Babel: One of the weirdest things about this is that the more the UK's military and diplomatic influence declines due to fund…
- Sun, 14:48: I swallowed the Brexit lies. Now I regret telling curry house workers to vote leave https://t.co/XBerJ0BpeE The Sec… https://t.co/r9X9eHs023
- Sun, 15:52: RT @TimCWrites: I can't speak with a great deal of first hand knowledge but DFID also appears to be run by people spending through a large…
- Sun, 18:28: 65 days after hitting Level 39, I am three quarters of the way to Level 40 - made a lot of progress in the last two… https://t.co/2gA92n3244
- Sun, 20:22: Giselle in Bratislava https://t.co/SiWeAcwYHu
- Sun, 20:48: RT @rgoodlaw: Blockbuster story buried in this NYT report. Pentagon, intelligence officials fear they cannot trust Trump enough to brief h…
- Mon, 05:10: Just spent a couple of insomniac hours checking word length of a Retro Hugo finalist. Turned out it was within the limits - Whew!
- Mon, 08:37: RT @alexmassie: Then don’t put Johnson on it. https://t.co/WNgRNrw10F
- Mon, 10:45: RT @GeorgeTakei: Former internment camp survivor (1 of 120,000+) raises hand to disagree. https://t.co/5ZKe132X1Y
- Mon, 11:25: Must-read thread from @Telegraph's @JamesCrisp6. https://t.co/DIOT4CWe9C