Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Hugo finalists - Goodreads/LibraryThing statistics

Once again I'm running the statistical ruler over the finalists for the Hugos - this year, more than ever. This has not often been a useful guide to which books will win; however I think it does show the extent to which they ave penetrated popular consciousness, at least to within an order of magnitude.

In each case, the books are ranked by the geometrical average of their number of owners on both Goodreads and LibraryThing. To start off with, the 2019 finalists for Best Novel:

Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik 120,184 4.29 851 4.27
Record of a Spaceborn Few, by Becky Chambers 30,574 4.17 398 4.19
The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal 29,732 4.2 357 4.07
Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse 28,312 4.09 351 4.14
Space Opera, by Catherynne M. Valente 26,590 3.55 314 3.86
Revenant Gun, by Yoon Ha Lee 7,470 4.21 156 4.11

All six finalists for 2019 Best Novella were published as stand-alone volumes, so we can do the same for them:

Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
Beneath the Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGuire 36,746 4.03 392 4.02
Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells 30,346 4.29 408 4.22
Binti: The Night Masquerade, by Nnedi Okorafor 22,262 4.12 346 3.99
The Tea Master and the Detective, by Aliette de Bodard 8,575 3.96 171 3.8
The Black God's Drums, by P. Djèlí Clark 6,799 4.11 119 4.22
Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson 4,458 3.7 114 3.73

The finalists for Best Related Work include an online archive project and a series of Youtube videos, so I can't make a comparison there. That brings us to 2019 Best Graphic Story:

Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
Saga, Volume 9 20,309 4.56 252 4.35
Paper Girls, Volume 4 13,199 4.18 161 4.02
Monstress, Volume 3: Haven 9,680 4.27 180 4.13
On a Sunbeam 10,682 4.21 129 4.05
Abbott 1,346 4.03 38 3.68
Black Panther: Long Live the King 1,203 3.39 22 3

A special 2019 Hugo category, Best Art Book, has the largest variation in orders of magnitude:

Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
The Books of Earthsea: the Complete Illustrated Edition 1,800 4.66 181 4.83
Dungeons and Dragons Art and Arcana: A Visual History 2,345 4.59 95 4.75
Tolkien: Maker of Middle Earth 705 4.79 102 5
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - The Art of the Movie 221 4.65 5 -
Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art 32 4.5 19 -
Daydreamer's Journey: The Art of Julie Dillon 7 5 3 4

The Lodestar Award for Best YA Book will be awarded under that name for the first time this year:

Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi 277,438 4.21 1,386 4.03
The Cruel Prince, by Holly Black 235,387 4.18 890 4.16
Dread Nation, by Justina Ireland 51,372 4.16 522 4.23
The Belles, by Dhonielle Clayton 56,265 3.87 396 3.75
Tess of the Road, by Rachel Hartman 30,104 3.94 278 4.07
The Invasion, by Peadar Ó Guilín 4,534 3.85 38 3.25

And finally, the 1944 finalists for Best Novel:
Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
Perelandra, by C.S. Lewis 58,413 3.98 6,561 3.84
The Glass Bead Game, by Herman Hesse 70,512 4.11 5,394 4.14
Conjure Wife, by Fritz Leiber, Jr. 4,607 3.85 476 3.76
Gather, Darkness!, by Fritz Leiber 2,097 3.62 622 3.53
The Weapon Makers, by A.E.van Vogt 2,214 3.84 480 3.5
Earth’s Last Citadel, by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner 398 3.18 150 3.17
Tags: goodreads/librarything stats, hugos 2019

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