Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

My tweets

  • Fri, 15:52: RT @davidallengreen: The UK will now be leaving the EU by automatic operation of law on 12 April, without a deal, unless something not curr…
  • Fri, 15:54: RT @tconnellyRTE: Breaking: EU source says: Following the negative vote in the HoC today, Art. 50 will now be extended until 12 April as de…
  • Fri, 16:01: RT @MichaelAodhan: NEWS RELEASE NIRC REACTION TO LATEST COMMONS BREXIT VOTE 29/3/2019 Northern Ireland Retail Consortium director, Aodhán C…
  • Fri, 16:05: All 43 Spice Girls songs – ranked! Let’s look at the important questions here.
  • Fri, 16:08: RT @mwarhurst: The Westminster bubble - ignorant/uninterested in the EU and obsessed by its own internal conflicts - has been unable to neg…
  • Fri, 16:21: RT @jarwisniewski: Brexiteers reject Brexit on the Brexit day. You can’t make this stuff up
  • Fri, 16:22: RT @JenniferMerode: European commission spokesman: Commission regrets negative vote Article 50 extended until 12 April "It will be for…
  • Fri, 16:34: RT @DmitryOpines: It's heartrending watching the UK stumbling spasmodically and needlessly ever closer to an abrupt severing of the Europea…
  • Fri, 17:11: RT @Forbes: A photo of 8 of the last remaining Apollo astronauts rocketed to the top of Reddit this week, just a few months before the 50 y…
  • Fri, 17:38: Great thread.
  • Fri, 18:41: RT @Mina_Andreeva: 🇪🇺🇬🇧 .@EU_Commission regrets negative vote in @HouseofCommons. #EU will remain united. Benefits of #WithdrawalAgreemen
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: Sir Ivan Rogers says he is “probably the least surprised person in Britain” about how this has turned out. #2yrsArticle50 http…
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: “There wasn’t a clear, single, unitary Brexit destination, even among the @vote_leave people,” says UK’s former permanent repr…
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: The earliest a trade deal could be reached would be the “early to mid 2020s,” says Sir Ivan Rogers. “Nobody internalised that…
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: “The prime minister has announced her own mortality. It’s unimaginable to me that the Conservative party would want a general…
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: “Dominic Cummings is right,” says Sir Ivan Rogers, “a second referendum wouldn’t be about Brexit. It would be about the establ…
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @UKandEU: Sir Ivan Rogers doesn’t believe the prime minister would feel mandated by any indicative votes, and adds that the EU is negoti…
  • Fri, 19:24: RT @UKandEU: “If you go to no deal by accident, you’re in a lot of trouble,” says Sir Ivan Rogers. He says both the EU and eurosceptic poli…
  • Fri, 19:24: RT @UKandEU: The ‘yawning gap’ in the prime minister’s deal is about the services sector, says Sir Ivan Rogers. #2yrsArticle50
  • Fri, 19:38: Optimistic...
Tags: #2yrsarticle50, #brexit, #eu, #withdrawalagreemen, twitter

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