- Fri, 12:56: Why Brexiteers forgot about the Border https://t.co/nnhrxMEl7w Honest admission of error from@OliverNorgrove. At le… https://t.co/JUrAWPf1g8
- Fri, 15:11: Way too optimistic! Requires MPs to act sensibly and in the national interest. https://t.co/KDoS9KN3Tc
- Fri, 15:19: Losers https://t.co/RhGPogwIpU #BrusselsAttacks Three years on.
- Fri, 16:05: Debut Author Lessons: So you've been nominated for an award... https://t.co/rD999zNwwa Good advice.
- Fri, 17:11: Lives are ruined by shame and stigma. LGBT lessons in schools are vital https://t.co/tP1HaFELyd Important and right.
- Fri, 20:48: RT @charlwynmcr: List of things I was exposed to at school and didn’t turn into: 1) oxbow lakes 2) The assassination of Archduke Franz Fer…
- Fri, 23:14: RT @RoguePOTUSStaff: You know, rushing off the phone with a world leader because you want to immediately call AG Barr isn't exactly the loo…
- Sat, 10:45: RT @tconnellyRTE: Brexit: the Long and the Short of a No Deal Cliff Edge via @RTENewsNow https://t.co/iieQ4fDtaI
- Sat, 11:15: RT @madgie1941: Hi - am the person responsible for the Revoke Art 50 petition. Just needed to tell you that 1. am currently visiting Cyprus…
My tweets
Northern Ireland, Ireland, England and Brexit
So, I had an article in the Irish Times yesterday: It was a topic that had been on my mind for a while - the massive expansion in the…
The Irish and Belgian approaches to Brexit
I have both Irish and Belgian citizenship, and as luck would have it there are two recent publications examining how both countries are dealing with…
Brexit latest
I think this is pretty significant and rather hopeful. First, of course the first side to state a number will end up having to move towards the…
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