- Wed, 12:56: Veteran MEP Brok generated cash from Parliament visitors – POLITICO https://t.co/S18QeO54em Extraordinary story abo… https://t.co/Lhff6kYWT6
- Wed, 13:15: Reasonable people can disagree on this. But for my money, Baxendale’s books are nice to have, where Hinchcliffe’s a… https://t.co/iO7IZRvSfO
- Wed, 13:58: The latest blockbuster from Sir Ivan Rogers. "Where did Brexit come from and where is it going to take the UK?" 30… https://t.co/dc03z1E32Y
- Wed, 15:28: GPEI-“To succeed by 2023”- extraordinary joint statement to Polio Eradicators https://t.co/fiqWzincmv
- Wed, 15:32: RT @alexvtunzelmann: When we talk about empire/imperialism underpinning Brexiteer (and Remainer) thinking, this is what we mean. Roger Boot…
- Wed, 16:05: The Plot Against George Soros https://t.co/cvDj7Nq2iz And how two Jewish consultants invented it. Shocking.
- Wed, 17:04: Just to follow up from yesterday's thread: you'll be thrilled to learn that the winner, by 110 votes to 93 on the f… https://t.co/9zIb0YcrJW
- Wed, 17:11: China Built a Big, Beautiful Wall, Too. It Failed. https://t.co/9ZNmUeGHzO Hah.
- Wed, 17:45: Favourite actress: @FreemaOfficial won my heart with her account of being Martha Jones when I saw her at Gallifrey… https://t.co/sa63qPyBVq
- Wed, 18:23: "The Queen of Air and Darkness", by Poul Anderson https://t.co/uHojBAnvnS
- Wed, 20:48: The Secrets of Lyndon Johnson’s Archives, by Robert A. Caro https://t.co/NBJ09W4GtC This is an extraordinary long r… https://t.co/RtisA1Nket
- Wed, 21:24: RT @ThatTimWalker: Need a moral vacuum? Get a Dyson
- Wed, 21:24: RT @mrjamesob: Brexit latest: When James Dyson became one of the vanishingly few prominent business people to claim that Brexit would be go…
- Wed, 21:27: Dyson to move company HQ to Singapore https://t.co/EcCiD7k6M5 Top Brexiteer takes back control by leaving Brexit Britain.
- Wed, 23:01: RT @danbloom1: This headline is on the Mirror homepage and frankly my career has peaked, you can have my retirement notice now. https://t.c…
- Thu, 08:28: RT @afneil: I would suggest their attachments are pretty strong or they wouldn’t be here and since we’re the ones who changed the rules we…
- Thu, 09:35: Credit where it’s due. https://t.co/t8sDKkf7dq
- Thu, 09:36: RT @trevorbaxendale: @nwbrux @DoctorWhoNovels I am a reasonable person, so... 😉
- Thu, 10:18: RT @JamesKerLindsay: Remember watching the outpouring of nationalism over #Macedonia in the 1990s. Today, MPs in #Greece have the opportuni…
- Thu, 10:29: Alex Salmond, Scotland's former first minister, arrested https://t.co/t2C7zbDSDE
- Thu, 10:44: RT @MavenOfMayhem: 1,793 days since the child we knew as our son told us she was our daughter. 1,793 days since we told her we'd love her…
- Thu, 10:45: Where did Brexit come from and where is it going to take the UK? https://t.co/KQBYS2qNkC Latest Ivan Rogers, in full at @spectator.
- Thu, 11:19: How delaying Brexit does not *actually* strengthen the UK’s hand. With worked examples. https://t.co/mpNaNSD4mt
- Thu, 11:29: Home Office refuses to let great-grandparents remain in UK https://t.co/klUu517u9w They have been in UK for 40 year… https://t.co/yPvNYMKSHm