- Mon, 12:38: RT @Fhamiltontimes: Daily Mail says that victim in Prince Philip crash was pressured to keep quiet by police liaison officers who apparentl…
- Mon, 13:24: RT @chrisgreybrexit: Not entirely flippant to say that Brexiters have moved from promising voters they could "have their cake and eat it" t…
- Mon, 15:16: First of two posts for Martin Luther King Day: erasure in the cinema https://t.co/hgN9EM6DoM
- Mon, 15:59: RT @alexvtunzelmann: Good luck, English learners! See also: “This is shit” = this is bad; “This is the shit” = this is the best thing. http…
- Mon, 15:59: RT @damonwake: @alexvtunzelmann And sometimes opposites work as intensifiers. Get on with - have good relations with. Get off with - have *…
- Mon, 16:31: RT @AlbertRoyo5: Workshop “Europe and e-Democracy in the run-up to the European Parliament election”, Brussels, January 29th. With @BLiber…
- Mon, 17:45: Favoruite monster/villain: Mavic Chen, the Guardian of the Solar System who sold humanity out to the Daleks in the… https://t.co/oTLANMPQBF
- Mon, 18:09: RT @bbclaurak: Big achievement for this campaign 👇 https://t.co/ZhDcUn99CH
- Mon, 18:19: Lucarotti did one good novelisation out of three; @JJCRichards has written much more than credited here, is always… https://t.co/dc87xRgC4P
- Mon, 18:20: Second of two posts for Martin Luther King Day: my failure as an ally https://t.co/WE6Rz3SDiv
- Mon, 20:48: Awwww. https://t.co/4raXvN7RpG
- Tue, 08:00: RT @PaulKearney2: Interesting take. Implies that no deal isn't the worst option for the key decision makers. https://t.co/tcnRGrcqFf
- Tue, 10:45: Ducks and the City: how birds thrive in urban spaces https://t.co/F9NaaS1biI The human factor in the avian environment.