- Sat, 12:56: A year on, I am even angrier about Grenfell https://t.co/3IDkAvoKuy So am I.
- Sat, 16:04: World Cup, Day Four https://t.co/tKo2tXQ0AX
- Sat, 16:05: United 2026 World Cup: An Opportunity for the Host Countries, the Sport and Brands https://t.co/jDB76xrrq3 @TGKraus looks ahead.
- Sat, 16:51: Tumuli and church at Tienen https://t.co/vqtJboB1eV
- Sat, 20:48: 2018 World Cup Predictions | FiveThirtyEight https://t.co/saoODl8e5m I'm keeping an eye on this.
- Sun, 10:45: RT @kevinhorourke: There is also the ominous news that HMG is back at its old trick of briefing against the Irish government across Europe.…
My tweets
Northern Ireland a Generation after Good Friday, C. Coulter, N. Gilmartin, K. Hayward, P. Shirlow
Second paragraph of third chapter: Prisoner release was probably on a par with policing reform as one of the most contentious issues that arose from…
Boundary Commission 2021 input
My first comment on the current Boundary Commission proposals for Northern Ireland (click to embiggen): My more detailed input to the Boundary…
Poots out: my hot take
Wow. Seriously, even I lasted longer than that. https://t.co/em6bn13KCk— Tim Farron (@timfarron) June 17, 2021 Not very long ago at…
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