Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Looking For JJ, by Anne Cassidy

Second paragraph of third chapter:
“We need to have a chat,” Rosie said, in a no-nonsense voice.
Interesting story about a 17-year-old released from prison after serving the sentence for murdering her best friend when they were 10. It's a good portrait of how people deal with awful things that they themselves did in the past, and of the destructive role of the media. I didn't quite believe that the protagonist would have been able to put the psychological damage caused by her mother behind her, but perhaps that was needed for a good story. A grim and thought-provoking YA read. You can get it here.

This was my top unread book acquired in 2015. Next on that list is The Supernatural Enhancements, by Edgar Cantero.
Tags: bookblog 2018

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