- Thu, 12:47: RT @FaullJonathan: @Jacob_Rees_Mogg I should be obliged if you would name two countries in different customs territories with no infrastruc…
- Thu, 12:56: The Tragic Case of Alfie Evans https://t.co/35mx1k4qHw A good summary.
- Thu, 16:05: The Long Way Round: The Plane that Accidentally Circumnavigated the World https://t.co/RwDIte3wYg A fascinating story.
- Thu, 18:37: The Missy Chronicles and The Legends of River Song https://t.co/XKNkNpEqYn
- Thu, 19:33: RT @philipdsjones: Important letter from @jontwood about @gollancz with apologies from me that the obituary gave out the impression it di…
- Thu, 20:48: 43-year-old Australian trapdoor spider was world's oldest known spider https://t.co/lmIxGFbnxd Awww.
- Thu, 20:58: RT @nyphur: @nwbrux "The males left their burrows as soon as they were sexually mature — around age 6 or so — to go search for doilies and…
- Thu, 22:03: RT @MonicaLewinsky: blaming the intern is so 1990's. 🙄 https://t.co/6CGPERpNqx
- Fri, 07:32: All parties can cheer a bit here. SF won and wd still likely win 3 Assembly seats; DUP retain 2nd place and Assembl… https://t.co/QRor4rVWaa
- Fri, 09:03: RT @BBCgmu: Here are the #WestTyrone by-election results - we'll have full analysis coming up shortly with @nwbrux https://t.co/ImsiV5xyv…
- Fri, 09:17: RT @adamcsmyth: .@nwbrux tells @BBCGMU that West Tyrone by-election result shows that SF and DUP should not take their electoral dominance…
- Fri, 10:45: Mayday! How Theresa May has been trapped https://t.co/SqAg6qssrt Interesting by @JGForsyth but UK wd *not* be in st… https://t.co/tMSmicAEc9