- Tue, 12:56: I’ve walked the Irish border – Brexiters are trampling on fragile territory https://t.co/CJOSMTdEIH Excellent piece.
- Tue, 16:05: These were the 796 children who died at Tuam Mother and Baby Home https://t.co/utNu6sxOUi A grim accounting.
- Tue, 18:15: BSFA Award for Best Novel https://t.co/GiayXDrR9w
- Tue, 20:33: May 'double cherry-picking' on Brexit, says leaked EU report https://t.co/qfwkcgB3k2
- Tue, 20:48: Brexit: Half In, Half Out or Right Out? (PDF) https://t.co/Z7M8033Z7e @AndrewDuffEU looks forward as well as back.
- Tue, 21:40: RT @alexandrabulat: To everyone that tells me to stop criticising settled status because "I will be fine, cos I am a PhD student and skille…
- Tue, 22:14: RT @LedZepBoxedSet: YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO UNDERSTAND GUNS TO WANT FEWER OF THEM AROUND. Do not get dragged into debate that veers into g…
- Wed, 04:16: RT @lowflyingrocks: 2018 DV1, 6m-12m in diameter, just passed the Earth at 7km/s, missing by 113,000km. https://t.co/E998HTE4Nj
- Wed, 09:22: Peter Nicholls (1939-2018) https://t.co/5Ref2mCm0a Damn.
- Wed, 10:45: RT @SJAMcBride: Even at this stage of what we know about the RHI scandal, this is extraordinary: The civil servant who knew the RHI scheme…
- Wed, 11:22: RT @catherinemep: "War cabinet" and "Annexing" is polarising, hostile language and goes down REALLY badly with EU governments. With 19 othe…