- Tue, 12:56: Emma Bonino: Italy's pro-Europe, pro-immigrant conscience https://t.co/Mggawk8is9 Go @emmabonino!!!
- Tue, 15:41: RT @V_Andriukaitis: Today happy to demonstrate difference between #useby & #bestbefore #labelling in practice. Breakfast menu: ✅a yogurt l…
- Tue, 16:05: Awww!!! https://t.co/c5S2WjX7EY
- Tue, 18:11: Gone With the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell https://t.co/2fPehuhiIj
- Tue, 18:11: RT @JoeyMillar: https://t.co/nTj6btDHSs
- Tue, 19:07: RT @CC_Urabayen: Key Brexit dates in the coming weeks, by @PoliticoRyan https://t.co/vAr83cxX3D
- Tue, 20:48: The Poison We Took https://t.co/BHSnUbDwI3 Andrew Sullivan on the Opioid Epidemic in America
- Tue, 21:18: RT @JolyonMaugham: One by one the deceptions get exposed. https://t.co/afM8tKjSET
- Tue, 21:20: RT @tconnellyRTE: Here’s the story: Draft text: North may be considered part of EU customs territory via @RTENewsNow https://t.co/hGQcoQqO6S
- Tue, 23:55: Who are the leading Hispanic writers of science fiction? https://t.co/Z2nwq4KNPG
- Wed, 09:48: RIP Cynthia Heimel https://t.co/4d308IXtOP Damn.
- Wed, 10:45: Bulgaria Question Brings the EU’s Identity Crisis into Focus https://t.co/PHle3qV2bz The (strong) case for Bulgaria's euro membership.
- Wed, 10:58: RT @silviamg: The scientific answer according to this number crunching: Carmen Maria Machado and Daniel José Older (I crack the top 10). ht…
- Wed, 11:52: RT @juliegirling: Press statement from Julie Girling MEP & Richard Ashworth MEP https://t.co/eJohichgGa