- Thu, 12:01: Noord-Iers jongetje schrijft brief aan Rode Duivels en krijgt antwoord https://t.co/ASeN2IIH5q This is a lovely story.
- Thu, 12:56: The Karabakh Conflict as “Project Minimum” https://t.co/vmhToluN5Z Gloomy but accurate from @Tom_deWaal.
- Thu, 13:11: At CEPS Ideas Lab! #CEPSlab18 (at @TheEGGBrussels in Anderlecht, Brussels) https://t.co/ckTeD4FlUH
- Thu, 13:17: RT @Mina_Andreeva: .@JunckerEU #CEPSlab18 “We are a Union of #solidarity. In 2016 alone, we offered asylum to three times as many refugees…
- Thu, 13:19: RT @CEPBelgrade: There is a need to bring #WesternBalkans closer to the #EU, said @JunckerEU at the #CEPSlab18
- Thu, 13:55: It was a rather abrupt answer. But of course it is for the UK, not Juncker, to make proposals at this stage.… https://t.co/GUl5waPAaL
- Thu, 14:13: Most memorable #CEPSlab18 line. https://t.co/6IlHx8mgaX
- Thu, 14:14: RT @dannyctkemp: Juncker on top form. Says commission used to be accused of not being political enough. 'Now we are too political. Je m'en…
- Thu, 14:55: Ian Paisley's widow savages DUP leader, calling for "confession" https://t.co/6HSEwKtymB Harsh.
- Thu, 15:15: Public Cervix Announcement https://t.co/W70ehxLxuq Vivid personal account from @georgiaetennant.
- Thu, 16:05: You need to read the letter from Corb's lawyers to Ben BRADLEY Tory MP https://t.co/VJBEn0rvEn I am no Corbyn fan,… https://t.co/tICKDvEwlc
- Thu, 17:15: Sailor in a Russian Frame https://t.co/vwdR8teYw1 The strange case of Anthony Courtney MP.
- Thu, 18:46: A Tangle Of Fates, by Leslie Ann Moore https://t.co/EKsOHk1A5E
- Thu, 20:48: My Voice-Over Life https://t.co/0uYNCJ5oVo @Sophie_Aldred on the art of audio.
- Fri, 06:34: RT @belledejour_uk: Irish journalist @OlafTyaransen sexually assaulted @GlasgaeLauraLee - and he's getting away with it [Content note: grap…
- Fri, 08:11: RT @CEPS_thinktank: Not registered? You can follow the livestream of #CEPSlab18 closing plenary starting 12:30pm by @dreynders @LilyanaPav…
- Fri, 10:45: Brexiteers launch broadside at Northern Ireland peace deal https://t.co/Jks4GUqFme Lunacy.