- Sat, 12:56: The Brexit struggle awaiting Theresa May in 2018, by @jonlis1 https://t.co/mKgI7GM1YS “The defining story of 2018 w… https://t.co/LIBeAIP1gL
- Sat, 17:17: RT @apcoworldwide: As we look ahead to #NewYear2018, which European #elections should you pay close attention to? Our @nwbrux shares the th…
- Sat, 17:26: I'm at Stadhuis Leuven - @stadleuven in Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant https://t.co/UbWSxFzYKX https://t.co/naifx6pUhJ
- Sat, 20:04: RT @DomJermey: Awful- Misha (aardvark) died, 4 meerkats unaccounted for in fire at London Zoo. Am humbled by so many messages of support. L…
- Sat, 22:04: Getting into the First Doctor/Ben/Polly groove by re-watching The War Machines... https://t.co/uNZcj0dqgQ
- Sun, 03:49: Sad news - Former NI Ombudsman Maurice Hayes dies, aged 90 https://t.co/49Iv3HUzBJ
- Sun, 10:45: Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain https://t.co/gM8wU3lpdJ Indeed.
- Sun, 11:51: A 1960s photo mystery https://t.co/2sWCVzxlXH
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