- Fri, 13:40: RT @CatrinNye: A German newspaper has published the names of 33,000 people who have died trying to reach Europe. https://t.co/Y1JFfGBVV2
- Fri, 16:05: ‘Swallow the lot, and swallow it now’: Britain is, and was, deluded about its negotiating power with the EU https://t.co/HNfDV7zvfm Same m…
- Fri, 17:20: RT @sandrogozi: #EMA relocation should consider the wellbeing of all Europeans: that’s why #Milan is the best choice. My column for @EURACT…
- Fri, 18:25: Running Through Corridors 2, by Toby Hadoke and Robert Shearman https://t.co/eyPJv98JCV
- Sat, 10:45: How Brexit will unfold – Britain will get a deal, but it’ll come at a price https://t.co/uINiTTdlVA Sensible from @CER_Grant.
- Sat, 11:20: RT @MittRomney: Innocent until proven guilty is for criminal convictions, not elections. I believe Leigh Corfman. Her account is too seriou…
- Sat, 11:48: RT @AlexTaylorNews: La position 🇬🇧 en ce moment ..... "Nous avons voté le Brexit car nous tenons absolument à renforcer nos frontières ave…
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