- Sat, 13:30: RT @youngvulgarian: Blimey, that's a leader and a half. https://t.co/rTBubpAHdQ
- Sat, 13:34: Excellent from former U.K. Diplomat and EC official @guitarmoog https://t.co/eeYG2RlCFs
- Sat, 16:05: RT @TeaAndCopy: One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl Four for a boy Five for silver Six to speak to customer services Seven to hear…
- Sat, 16:11: RT @swombat: The Tories' negotiation approach will guarantee that the UK gets a shit deal. #ToriesOut https://t.co/yql6teokSk
- Sat, 17:11: RT @HeracliteanFire: 'Why May’s “Bloody Difficult” approach to Brexit Negotiations is so wrong' https://t.co/Qb6btN9SdN
- Sat, 17:17: RT @JeremyCliffe: This is from my January briefing on Theresa May: https://t.co/MueFNdPtgz
- Sat, 18:11: RT @parthuman: Interesting read on the follies of the Govt's approach to #Brexit negotiations so far... (also in blog form https://t.co/659…
- Sat, 18:39: Dingle of the Husseys, Part 6 https://t.co/YKu32Km9L9
- Sat, 19:13: RT @ProfKMorrell: Excellent thread / blog on #brexittalks by @GuitarMoog https://t.co/Q2AR7dWnve
- Sat, 20:13: RT @TeraEuro: Why May's "Bloody Difficult" approach to #Brexit Negotiations is so wrong https://t.co/AGSp0ATEHu by @GuitarMoog
- Sat, 20:13: RT @LandmarkDeclan: Very interesting blog from an author with experience working in the Commission’s External Relations DG https://t.co/6vX…
- Sat, 20:48: RT @luca_fowler: Long thread, but excellent. Also as blog here: https://t.co/IpLfbhTPI9 https://t.co/jTKC1d6AsS
- Sat, 21:13: RT @sallonoroff: Whether you’re left, right or centre; Remain or Leave; Wednesday or United; this is good re #brexit negotiations: https:/…
- Sat, 22:14: RT @AnnCarysfort: Interesting, wise and insightful, although ultimately depressing: https://t.co/diX9j1J9QF
- Sat, 22:28: RT @emeramchugh: I'm starting to see 'Theresa May is autistic' theories. Folks. Stop it. No. You know what, that's actually quite insultin…
- Sun, 09:06: Hooray for Zoran Živković, newly anointed European Grand Master by the European Science Fiction Society! https://t.co/5bxu8MMptN
- Sun, 10:27: RT @jmlw1: Excellent article on negotiation, Brexit aside, which agree with my limited experience. https://t.co/mMS5b7AIxf
- Sun, 10:45: The London high-rise fire https://t.co/YxJWGwIzpw Considered from a safety point of view.