Entertainment is provided for smaller citizens, both a bouncy castle and face-painting.
And young entrepreneurs are encouraged to sell off unwanted toys and games to neighbours:
This year we had a local band, Muscaloco, playing vaguely traditional music on traditional instruments:
As in previous year, various houses and gardens were turned into exhibition spaces for local artists. I wasn't too sure about Ilse Derden, whose "la Rêve de Michel de Ghelderode" adorned one garden:
Nor about the giant ants in the retirement home:
But I did like the pleasing pottery of Marleen De Vos:
And the village's oldest and largest internal public space was taken over by the local craft society to show off their work:
Anne's pieces are the two on the left of the lower table by the altar:
We were lucky with the weather. It rained heavily in the morning, and is raining again now; but we were able to enjoy a sunny afternoon of community.