Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Double Deckers - some videos

I'm at Eastercon this weekend, so no episode review - next week I'll get to Invaders from Mars, one of the most sfnal episodes, by Glyn Jones.

But for those of you who have been wondering what the fuss is about, bohemiancoast located several entire episodes, dubbed in French (except the songs), available online. (The show was very popular also in French speaking countries under the title "Autobus à imperiale"). So we have:

Tigrette au volant, the very first episode, Tiger Takes Off (also here) (my write-up here)

Chasseurs d'Autographes, Starstruck (my write-up here)

Les Espiegles Rient, The Pop Singer (my write-up here)

La Course Infernal, The Go-Karters (my write-up here)

There's also a Russian site that claims to have all 17 episodes up; it seemed a bit slow to me, but you may want to investigate for yourself.

Here's also a playlist of Double Deckers related videos on Youtube, including a later episode dubbed in French, Un Pour Tous, Tous Pous Un, English title United We Stand.

See you next week!
Tags: tv: double deckers

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