This came to the top of my reading pile as the sf/fantasy book that I had acquired longest ago (in 2009) and not yet read. Next on that list is A Princess of Roumania, by Paul Park.
The Magic Cup, by Andrew Greeley
This came to the top of my reading pile as the sf/fantasy book that I had acquired longest ago (in 2009) and not yet read. Next on that list is A Princess of Roumania, by Paul Park.
My year in books
There seem to have been quite a lot of books this year. Like, er, cough, about 235 of them, which is rather more than last year's 207 let alone…
December Books 12) Dhalgren
12) Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delany I tried this famously impenetrable novel at the start of last year, and bounced off it; but was spurred into…
Books update
I always like to pause at the half-way marks of the year to think where I am, and where I am going. Often I have copied Paddy Ashdown's habit of…
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