Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Shortlist season these days: the Kitschies are out. Here are the two novel shortlists, ranked by Goodreads ownership.

The Red Tentacle (Novel):
Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
The Heart Goes Last, by Margaret Atwood 49,751 3.38 537 3.52
The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin 31,607 4.34 321 4.37
The Thing Itself, by Adam Roberts 689 3.98 81 3.52
The Reflection, by Hugo Wilcken 487 3.46 12 3.5
Europe at Midnight, by Dave Hutchinson 461 4.28 32 3.88

The Golden Tentacle (Debut):
Goodreads LibraryThing
owners av rating owners av rating
The Gracekeepers, by Kirsty Logan 12,770 3.63 251 3.58
The Shore by Sara Taylor 4,428 3.55 131 3.81
Blackass, by A. Igoni Barrett 1,875 3.69 16 -
The Night Clock, by Paul Meloy 872 3.13 9 -
Making Wolf, by Tade Thompson 87 3.9 8 4
Tags: goodreads/librarything stats, sf: kitschies

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