Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

The Sword of Forever, by Jim Mortimore

I've seen some rather negative reviews out there of this Bernice Summerfield novel, but I really enjoyed it: Benny gets caught up in acnient Templar-style conspiracy theories involving a sentient velociraptor and her own mummified finger, across several timelines. Sure, it veers in a somewhat different direction of future earth continuity and Benny's own marital life, but as I am reading these books in order I find it a refreshing difference. A bit bleak in tone, but that tends to be the case with Mortimore. Could be recommended to a tolerant potential convert to the Bennyverse.

Nest up: Another Girl, Another Planet, by "Len Beech" (Steve Bowkett) and Martin Day.
Tags: bookblog 2016, doctor who, doctor who: companions: benny, writer: jim mortimore

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