- Sun, 13:59: House of Shattered Wings, by Aliette de Bodard https://t.co/hlUXCQpgQK
- Sun, 16:05: Anne Frank's Stepsister: 'Donald Trump Is Acting Like Hitler' https://t.co/jOQAm19qnA And she knows what she's talking about.
- Sun, 17:01: Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott https://t.co/3kZejmmQXv
- Sun, 19:13: The New Jersey-raised, bow tie-loving president of Estonia gave the best speech on the refugee cri… https://t.co/uWzizk3P3G via @delicious
- Sun, 20:48: The New Jersey-raised, bow tie-loving president of Estonia gave the best speech on the refugee crisis https://t.co/DeDLJ53QeQ Go @IlvesToo…
- Mon, 10:45: A Dozen, a Gross, & a Score, + 3 times the square root of 4, divided by 7, plus 5 x 11, is 9² and not a bit more. https://t.co/KlyayHxRUw
- Mon, 11:19: BSFA shortlisted novels: Goodreads / LibraryThing stats https://t.co/Tk174sfTQr
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Thu, 18:40: Doctor Who and the Silurians and Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters, by Malcolm Hulke, and The Silurians, by Robert�Smith?…
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Wed, 13:32: Andr�e Tainsy, 1911-2004 https://t.co/7vKdcRoeLS Wed, 15:32: RT @ Megintransition: Thinking about attending glasgow 2024*…
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Tue, 18:14: Erasing Sherlock, by Kelly�Hale https://t.co/P1pyeHHYHZ Wed, 10:45: First up-close images of Mars’s little-known moon Deimos…
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