Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

Rave and Let Die: The SF and Fantasy of 2014, by Adam Roberts

This was a book I picked up on the basis that it was likely to be on the BSFA long list (as indeed it is), and also because the bulk of it consists of Roberts' reviews of sf and fantasy books published in 2014, many of which I also read for the Arthur C. Clarke Award (Roberts was also a juror for two of the Kitschies' awards). We agree more often than I had expected, but where Roberts' opinion differs from mine it is always entertainingly so.

The reviews, of course, cannot be separated from the wider context. As Roberts says, cast a cold eye over the landscape of SF and Fantasy as it appeared in 2014 is surely to be struck by how polarised, how ideologically and aesthetically divided it has grown.
He goes on to say many interesting things about awards, and the landscape of the genre, and though (of course) I completely disagree with his views on the Hugos, it's a well-presented argument, and I intend to frustrate him by casting a nominating ballot for this book this year. (I suspect he will somehow live with that frustration.)
Tags: bookblog 2015, bsfa 2015, hugos 2016

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