Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

The 2017 Hugos and me

I'm hugely honoured to take on the role of Hugo administrator for Worldcon 75, to be held in Helsinki in 2017. The Hugos have been part of my fannish life since I was a teenager, and I've been commenting in depth on the fiction nominees every year this century. I love the institution and I'm really glad to be part of it.

2017 may be a bit different to previous years. Four amendments to the Hugo rules passed last August by Sasquan will, if ratified by MidAmeriCon II next year, come into effect for Worldcon 75 to administer. I'll be ready to implement any or all of them.

I will also be largely refraining from comment on the SF of 2016 until after the 2017 Hugo ceremony is over. That still leaves plenty else to talk about, of course...

More information about Worldcon 75, including how to join.
Tags: hugos 2017

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