Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy (a chapter a day)
Watership Down, by Richard Adams (a chapter a week)
Last Resort, by Paul Leonard
The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon
Last books finished
Grave Matter, by Justin Richards
The Charm of Belgium, by Brian Lunn
Last week's audios
Encore of the Scorchies, by James Goss
The Backwards Men, by Andy Lane
Jago & Litefoot & Patsy, by Simon Barnard & Paul Morris
Higson & Quick, by Justin Richards
Next books
With The Light Vol 8, by Keiko Tobe
A Slip of the Keyboard, by Terry Pratchett
Beyond the Sun, by Matthew Jones
Books acquired in last week
La Femme, ed. Ian Whates
The Republic: The Fight for Irish Independence, 1918-1923, by Charles Townshend
The Whole & Rain-domed Universe, by Colette Bryce