Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

September Books

Non-fiction 2 (YTD 40)
Who's There?, by Jessica Carney
King's Inns and the Kingdom of Ireland, by Colum Kenny

Who's There King's Inns and the Kingdom of Ireland

Fiction (non-sf) 6 (YTD 36)
The Power and the Glory, by Graham Greene
A Sentimental Education, by Gustave Flaubert
Memoirs of Hadrian, by Marguerite Yourcenar
Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott
Race of Scorpions, by Dorothy Dunnett
Harlequin, by Bernard Cornwell

The Power and the Glory A Sentimental Education Memoirs of Hadrian Rob Roy Race of Scorpions Harlequin

SF (non-Who) 12 (YTD 85)
Moxyland, by Lauren Beukes
Eva, by Peter Dickinson

Moxyland Eva

Doctor Who 5 (YTD 47)
The English Way of Death, by Gareth Roberts
Eternity Weeps, by Jim Mortimore
History 101, by Mags L. Halliday
The Blood Cell, by James Goss
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller, by Joanne Harris

The English Way of Death Eternity Weeps History 101 The Blood Cell The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller

Comics 3 (YTD 17)
De Scepter van Ottakar, by Hergé
La Galère d'Obélix, by Albert Uderzo
Lost At Sea, by Bryan Lee O'Malley

De Scepter van Ottakar La Galère d'Obélix Lost At Sea

~8,400 pages (YTD ~64,900)
9/28 (YTD 58/225) by women (Carney, Yourcenar, Dunnett, ο1, τ1, φ1, Beukes, Halliday, Harris)
1/28 (YTD 16/225) by PoC (O'Malley)

Reread: 1/28 - De Scepter van Ottakar (YTD 9/225)

Reading now:
The Strangest Man, by Graham Farmelo
The Professor, by Charlotte Brontë
Wool, by Hugh Howey

Coming soon (perhaps):
Up the Walls of the World, by James Tiptree
Edward Gibbon and Empire, ed. Rosamund McKitterick
Angela's Ashes, by Frank McCourt
Beach Music, by Pat Conroy
Home, by Marilynne Robinson
Rules, by Cynthia Lord
Shades of Milk and Honey, by Mary Robinette Kowal
The Grass is Singing, by Doris May Lessing
Liberal Language, by Graham Watson
The Fat Years, by Chan Koonchung
Elizabeth's Bedfellows, by Anna Whitelock
Earth Girl, by Janet Edwards
The Jonah Kit, by Ian Watson
Tree and Leaf, by J R R Tolkien
Wages of Sin, by Andrew M. Greeley
The Balkans, by Misha Glenny
The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Een geweer in het water, by Hermann
The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon
The Painted Man, by Peter V. Brett
Kushiel's Justice, by Jacqueline Carey
The True Deceiver, by Tove Jansson
Divided Loyalties, by Gary Russell
The Room with No Doors, by Kate Orman
Camera Obscura, by Lloyd Rose
Silhouette, by Justin Richards
Tags: bookblog 2014

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