Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

The BSFA shortlist, on GoodReads and LibaryThing

As before, I have tabulated how many people list the shortlisted works for the BSFA Award on the two major library sites, Goodreads and LibraryThing, and what average rating the books have been given.
Goodreads Librarything
number average number average
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie 1704 4.03 246 4.17
God’s War by Kameron Hurley 1338 3.61 358 3.73
Ack-Ack Macaque by Gareth L. Powell 139 4.03 32 4.13
The Adjacent by Christopher Priest 104 3.78 44 4.06
Evening’s Empires by Paul McAuley 29 3.9 26 3.8

I haven't read any of these, though I bought God's War last year based on recommendations around the place. It and Ancillary Justice are the clear leaders on both sites, with the latter scoring significantly ahead on reader appreciation. Publication date doesn't seem to be a factor - Ancillary Justice appears to have been the most recently published of any of them. Note that it has also put on 100 Goodreads users (and 12 from LibraryThing) since last week.
Tags: bsfa 2013, goodreads/librarything stats

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