Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

January Books 4) Saints of the Shadow Bible, by Ian Rankin

Now that Rebus has retired, but is finding ways back into police work, Rankin seems to be hitting a new consistency of excellence. Here, Rebus and colleagues get tangled in a dodgy car accident whose ostensible only victim's boyfriend is the son of Scotland's Justice Minister, with links into both the 2014 independence referendum campaign and the more robust and less ethical policing days of two decades ago. Then the bodies start turning up, and Rebus finds that he himself is closer to the source of the story than he would like to be. It's all intricately woven and unwoven, with nobody completely admirable in their behaviour and some pretty awful. There is a comedy relief scrapyard, which is a nice touch. Long may this continue.

Tags: bookblog, bookblog 2014, writer: ian rankin

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