- In 1994 I voted for Mandela over a thousand times
True story from my old friend @TxTbUk.
- Planet Has Been Discovered That Should Not Be There
A world in the wrong place!
Links I found interesting for 08-12-2013
The stucco ceilings of Jan-Christian Hansche, part 6: the Charles Borromeo sacristy in Antwerp
Well, I've been able to change the colours of a couple of dots on my map: I have to start by reporting a dead end, unfortunately. The Inventaris…
The stucco ceilings of Jan-Christian Hansche part 5: the church of Saint Rémi at Franc-Waret
I ventured into darkest Wallonia yeteday, to find another example of the ceiling work of 17th century stucco artist Jan Christian Hansche. This was…
More stucco ceilings at the Château de Modave
Today being a public holiday, I successfully persuaded the family to go for a trip to the lower Ardennes, specifically to the château at…
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