The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London
World War Three
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Children in Need Special
The Christmas Invasion
Attack of the Graske
Doctor Who Annual 2006 (9)
The Clockwise Man (9)
The Monsters Inside (9)
Winner Takes All (9)
The Deviant Strain (9)
Only Human (9)
The Stealers of Dreams (9)
To the Slaughter (8)
The Gallifrey Chronicles (8)
Match of the Day (4)
Island of Death (3)
Spiral Scratch (6)
Fear Itself (8)
World Game (2)
The Time Travellers (1)
Atom Bomb Blues (7)
Short Trips: Seven Deadly Sins
Short Trips: A Day in the Life
Short Trips: The Solar System
Short Trips: The History of Christmas
Echoes (Time Hunter)
Peculiar Lives (Time Hunter)
The Tree of Life (Benny)
The Juggernauts
The Game
Three's A Crowd
The Council of Nicaea
Terror Firma
Thicker than Water
Scaredy Cat
Other Lives
A Storm of Angels
Bernice Summerfield: The Masquerade of Death
Bernice Summerfield: The Heart's Desire
Bernice Summerfield: The Kingdom of the Blind
Bernice Summerfield: The Lost Museum
Gallifrey: Lies
Gallifrey: Spirit
Gallifrey: Pandora
Gallifrey: Insurgency
Gallifrey: Imperiatrix
Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme at Large
Iris Wildthyme: The Devil in Ms Wildthyme
UNIT: The Coup (included with DWM #351)
UNIT: Snake Head
UNIT: The Longest Night
UNIT: The Wasting
Cyberman: Scorpius
Cyberman: Fear
Cyberman: Conversion
The first Who from 2005 that I encountered: Hooray! Yep, along with many people reading this, I tuned in for the rebirth of the show on Easter Saturday 2005. I was 37.
My favourite Who from 2005: My favourite episodes are Dalek and The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances. But I also want to shout out for the second series of Gallifrey, particularly episode 2, Spirit, which explores the relationship between Leela and Romana, as the high point of another good year for Big Finish. Of the books, Winner Takes All and Only Human are my favourites.
Moving swiftly on from: Scaredy Cat, another rather forgettable Eighth Doctor audio.
So, what was your favourite of the above? What is the best bit? (And if you like, what is the worst bit?)
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