Nicholas (nwhyte) wrote,

December books 4) Sanctuary, by David McIntee

A New Adventure novel, with the Seventh Doctor and Benny ending up at the awful end of the Albigensian crusade; a rare case of a purely historical story, with the Tardis crew's presence the only sfnal element.

I rather enjoyed it. I am a Benny fan, and the fact that she gets a decent, if doomed, romance was cause for cheer. (Apparently there are two other McIntee stories featuring her love interest - one audio, one novel. I shall look out for them.) There is a decent effort at gritty and vivid historical detail, and the Doctor gets to solve a locked-room murder mystery. Benny is surprisingly up-to-date with late twentieth-century Earth culture, but she is a woman of many talents after all. And as a partial reboot of the range, after the departure of Ace, who constituted half of the NAs' continuity with Old Who, it did the job for me.
Tags: bookblog 2012, doctor who, doctor who: 07, writer: david mcintee

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